Setting up the old loom

"Saita" handmade creations & loom – felt seminars | Greece

Lena Gerothanassis came to the Zagorochoria region in Epirus, Greece almost 13 years ago to do what she best does, beautiful handmade creations & loom – felt seminars. Through her contact with the older women of the villages of the region that she met, that…

Traditional loom-felt lessons in Greece

Learn to use a traditional loom to weave cloth. The basic purpose of any loom is to hold the warp threads under tension to facilitate the interweaving of the weft threads. Seminars in the Zagoria region in Greece

Handmade creations & Loom – felt seminars in Zagorochoria, Greece According to the Greek myths Athena and Arachne had a weaving contest. Arachne claimed to be a better weaver than Athena and thus infuriated her. Not only did she boast of her achievements but in…

Frédéric Boissonnas, Epirus

Old door handle on a wooden door in the Zagori district of Epirus, Greece

Images of Greece Frédéric (Fred) Boissonnas (1858-1946) was a Swiss photographer who stemmed from a well-known family of photographers in Geneva and is remembered primarily for his early photos of Greece. He learned the art of photography from his father, Henri-Antoine Boissonnas (1833-1889), and…