Setting up the old loom

Lena Gerothanassis came to the Zagorochoria region in Epirus, Greece almost 13 years ago to do what she best does, beautiful handmade creations & loom – felt seminars. Through her contact with the older women of the villages of the region that she met, that…
Traditional loom-felt lessons in Greece

Handmade creations & Loom – felt seminars in Zagorochoria, Greece According to the Greek myths Athena and Arachne had a weaving contest. Arachne claimed to be a better weaver than Athena and thus infuriated her. Not only did she boast of her achievements but in…
Frédéric Boissonnas, Epirus

Images of Greece Frédéric (Fred) Boissonnas (1858-1946) was a Swiss photographer who stemmed from a well-known family of photographers in Geneva and is remembered primarily for his early photos of Greece. He learned the art of photography from his father, Henri-Antoine Boissonnas (1833-1889), and…