Honey processing by the beehouse in Tsepelovo

Honey processing by the beehouse in Tsepelovo, Zagori

Today we, the whole family that is, had an enlightening visit to the Beehouse in Tsepelovo village where Moses explained to us all steps involved in honey processing.

The following pictures describe each step that the bee keeper follows in order to process the honey towards the final product and it’s by-products.
STEP1: UNCAPPING – slicing off the cappings from the honeycombs

UNCAPPING - slicing off the cappings from the honeycombs | beehouse tsepelovo, zagorohoria, greeceUNCAPPING - slicing off the cappings from the honeycombs | beehouse tsepelovo, zagorohoria, greeceUNCAPPING - slicing off the cappings from the honeycombs | beehouse tsepelovo, zagorohoria, greeceUNCAPPING - slicing off the cappings from the honeycombs | beehouse tsepelovo, zagorohoria, greece

STEP 2: UNCAPPING TANK – the wet cappings drop onto a screen, and honey drips through to the bottom of the tank and out a spigot

UNCAPPING TANK - the wet cappings fall onto a screen, and honey drips through to the bottom of the tank and out a spigot | zagori greece

STEP 3: HONEY EXTRACTOR – the uncapped combs are placed in the basket and the basket is turned by motor. Honey is flung out of the combs onto the sides of the tank and drains through a spigot

HONEY EXTRACTOR - the uncapped combs are placed in the basket and the basket is turned by hand or by motor in this case. Honey is flung out of the combs onto the sides of the tank and drains through a spigot | BEEHOUSE TESEPELOVO, ZAGOROHORIA BEEHOUSE TESEPELOVO, ZAGOROHORIA BEEHOUSE TESEPELOVO, ZAGOROHORIA HONEY EXTRACTOR - the uncapped combs are placed in the basket and the basket is turned by hand or by motor in this case. Honey is flung out of the combs onto the sides of the tank and drains through a spigot | BEEHOUSE TESEPELOVO, ZAGOROHORIA HONEY EXTRACTOR - the uncapped combs are placed in the basket and the basket is turned by hand or by motor in this case. Honey is flung out of the combs onto the sides of the tank and drains through a spigot | BEEHOUSE TESEPELOVO, ZAGOROHORIA HONEY EXTRACTOR - the uncapped combs are placed in the basket and the basket is turned by hand or by motor in this case. Honey is flung out of the combs onto the sides of the tank and drains through a spigot | BEEHOUSE TESEPELOVO, ZAGOROHORIA

STEP 4: HONEY COLLECTOR – a large tank with a spigot, or “honey gate,” at the bottom. As honey settles in the tank, air bubbles and small debris rise to the top and can be skimmed off, allowing honey that is bottled from the honey gate to be clear and attractive

honey collector | a large tank with a spigot, or "honey gate," at the bottom. As honey settles in the tank, air bubbles and small debris rise to the top and can be skimmed off, allowing honey that is bottled from the honey gate to be clear and attractive | zagori, greece

STEP 5: QUALITY CONTROL – checking the process in whole and testing the honey for it’s humidity content and various other crucial parameters

QUALITY CONTROL - checking the wholeprocess and testing the honey for humidity content and various other parametersHACCP QUALITY CONTROL - checking the wholeprocess and testing the honey for humidity content and various other parameters

STEP 6: BOTTLING – the honey is pumped into jars or cans

 HONEY BOTTLING - the honey is pumped into jars or cans by Moses of beehouse in Tsepelovo, Greece HONEY BOTTLING - the honey is pumped into jars or cans by Moses of beehouse in Tsepelovo, Greece

This year’s crop includes honey from pine trees & honey from mountain flowers and oak honeydew. Both very special as the writer discovered …

If you are interested in having an introductory seminar around the honey cycle you can call Moses and have it arranged. For more information visit his site.