
The name is derived from the Latin term bōlētus ‘mushroom’ from the Ancient Greek “βωλίτης”, ultimately from bōlos/βώλος ‘lump’ or ‘clod’. In Greece Boletus is also called “the king of mushrooms” – “βασιλομανίταρο”. The fruit body has a large cap which on occasion can reach…
Cantharellus cibarius (Chanterelle)

Cantharellus cibarius, or else known as the chanterelle, golden chanterelle or girolle, is a fungus. It is orange or yellow, meaty and funnel-shaped. On the lower surface, underneath the smooth cap, it has gill-like ridges that run almost all the way down its stipe,…
Neotinea tridentata

Neotinea tridentata (three-toothed orchid) is a species of orchid found in Greece among other southern European countries. This orchid favours grassy places, woodland, scrub and maquis of sub-alpine and alpine meadows of the National Park of Pindus as well as the broader Zagori region…