Agios Georgios or St. George in Negades village, is an excellent sample of ecclesiastical architecture. This imposing triune Church is one of the most impressive churches in Zagori and Epirus in general. It was completed in 1795 by the benefactor merchant Hatzimanthos Ginou.
It has a wood carved and dressed with gold sheet chancel screen, pulpit and high altar and is a brilliant example of the art of the “taliadouroi” [cutters, wood craftsmen] while the ornate frescoes were painted by Kapesovo artists (Kapesovites) Ioannis and Anastasios Anagnostis.
The 18th century in Epirus is characterized for its large and varied artistic production. The religious painting turned in the Western art and mainly to artistic style of baroque by adopting new artistic practices. Especially the self-governing privileges and economic prosperity of Zagori was the ideal environment for developing interesting mural paintings. In the work of Ioannis and Anastasios and mainly in St. George of Negades – murals of their mature phase – condenses the art of Kapesovites painters and also the art of the end of the 18th century, a turning point for post byzantine religious painting. Of additional interest are the paintings of Aristotle and Plato.