Two tsipouro distillations in one day!

Two tsipouro distillations in one day!


The learned version: empirical knowledge gathered from fathers & grandfathers mated to the modern theories

The 100+ year copper old baptism basin turned still for the needs of tsipouro distillation

The official government seal that grants permission to the owner of the still to distill tsipouro for a few precious days every year!
Emptying the still from the remaining grapes of the previous distillation cycle, washing it with running water, rubbing the copper interior with …urtica to give it a proper shine. This method was practiced in the past and was-is very effective!

It is important to mention that before the first distillation of the year the interiors of the still, lyne arm and condenser were cleaned with soda to remove any possible marks of copper oxidation (the green stuff).

Pouring in the still a fresh batch of crushed grapes.
More than a hundred years old, circa 1900, and made from a recycled baptism basin …

More than a hundred years old, circa 1900, and made from a recycled baptism basin ...Foliage in Zagorohoria during distillation

Assembling the still – lyne-arm – condenser.

Assembling the still - lyne-arm - condenser. Assembling the still - lyne-arm - condenser The still - lyne-arm - condenser assembled and ready for the next distillation

Heating up the still with fire which is fed with logs manually by George the “Master” distiller…

Heating up the still with fire which is fed with logs manually by George the "Master" distiller...

After about an hour, the first drops appear from the spout of the condenser.

After about an hour, the first drops appear from the spout of the condenser

Measuring the alcohol content of the tsipouro by means of an alcoholmetre and correlating it to the right temperature for increased accuracy and no intoxicating errors!

Measuring the alcohol content of the tsipouro by means of an alcoholmetre and correlating it to the right temperature for increased accuracy and no intoxicating errors! Measuring the alcohol content of the tsipouro by means of an alcoholmetre and correlating it to the right temperature for increased accuracy and no intoxicating errors! Measuring the alcohol content of the tsipouro by means of an alcoholmetre and correlating it to the right temperature for increased accuracy and no intoxicating errors!

Εις Υγείαν!

In other words “To your health”.

In other words "To your health".


The traditional-empirical method with whatever it entails …

Fire lit with wood heats this very old pot in the Zagori region The vapors containing the alcohol and some water rise up to the top of the still and the captured steam is drawn off into the lyne arm The water chills and condenses the vapors into the tsipouro Through the lyne arm, the vapors travel to a coil immersed in the barrel (made from a world war two German fuel barrel. History is evident in every aspect of everyday life in this part of Greece) filled with cold water The remains of the grape mass are disposed of and occasionally used as a fertilizer in this improvised wooden half tube

It is time for the distillate to be left to settle and mature… some adult patience is required at this stage.
Till next year, as we say here in Greece!

Happy fall