10 Best Value Destinations From Around the World
Megalo Papigo is among the Best Value Destinations. Megalo Papigo is suspended in the highest peaks of Mount Tymfi in the region of Zagoria on mainland Greece. The journey is not for the faint-hearted: after crossing the Voidomatis River bridge, cars must ascend up narrow and twisting roads. The quaint village is worth the journey, featuring stone alleys, mansions listed as national historical monuments and some of the best hiking and mountaineering surrounding the Vikos Gorge.
Want to travel to the corners of the world without breaking the bank? These 10 destinations might be just the ticket. Selected due to their value for money and favourable hotel reputation, these towns, cities and national parks will not disappoint.
From South America to China, via Morocco and Greece, the list explores all corners of the globe to suggest destinations off the beaten track. Many are protected areas or contain UNESCO World Heritage Sites, while some have hosted films due to their unique landscapes and natural beauty.
Source: 10 Best Value Destinations From Around the World by Huffingtonpost.co.uk